東京オリンピック/TOKYO OLYMPIC 2020 オリンピック活動終了のお知らせ(2015/6/22)
国際ワールドゲームズ協会理事、日本ワールドゲームズ協会国際担当執行理事・国際委員長である師岡 文男氏より以下のレポートをいただきました。
WCBS会長のジャン・クロード デュポン氏が組織委員会への表敬訪問のため来日することとなった。
選考の材料のひとつであるIFレポートも、WCBSの事務局長であるMr. Maximeが所有しており、日本語に訳したものをJOCに提出しました。
Unfortunately, billiards did not make it into the preliminary selection for its inclusion into the Olympics. However, using this experience, the NBA pledges to give full support to national federations and the WCBS when renewing Olympic activities for 2024 and beyond.
22, June, 2015
12, June, there was a release of an entry federation.
Click here
At approximately midnight (Japan time) of June 6, the WCBS concluded the entry of its bid for inclusion as an Olympic sport. The sports that have made it through the first round of screening will be announced in two weeks.We ask that everyone continue to support billiards in its bid for Olympic qualification.
May 8, 2015: The Tokyo Organising Committee of the Olympic and Paralympic Games (TOCOG) made available an application for the selection of additional events by proposal of the host city to the 33 member organizations of the Association of the IOC Recognised International Sports Federations (ARISF).
The application contains 21 questions in 5 categories: proposal, added value, organization, popularity,and situation in Japan. “Proposal” includes number of events, names of events, number of days, number of players, and venue plans; “Popularity” includes the current international situation of television broadcast and viewership, as well as sales performance of broadcasting rights; “Situation in Japan” includes the player population in Japan and information on national competitions, as well as the performance of Japanese players in the two most recent world championships. Organizations wishing to propose an event during the 2020 Toyko Olympic Games must respond to these questions. TOCOG also will consider appeal to youths and domestic popularity – which will increase Japanese enthusiasm towards the Olympics – as essential qualities for selection. The secretary-general explained in a press conference on May 11 that TOCOG “balanced the perspectives of the IOC and TOCOG.”
TOCOG set the deadline for applications on June 8, and will announce the results of the first step of selection on June 22. After holding an audience in Tokyo early August, TOCOG will hold experts meetings to further refine the selection of events, which they will propose to the IOC by September 30. The final decision on whether the new events will be held at the 2020 Games will be made at the IOC general meeting to be held August 2016 in Rio de Janeiro.
It has been determined that WCBS President Mr. Dupont will come to Japan to pay a courtesy call to Organization Committee The visit is scheduled for March 11th.
NBA announce the following credible information. The information stated that billiards meets the conditions necessary to be considered as an Olympic sport. In other words, the IF (WCBS) satisfies the requirements to be one of the IOC’s recognized organizations, and is qualified for possible inclussion in Agenda 2020.
The general secretary of the WCBS, Mr. Maxime, is in possession of the IF report, which is one of the materials necessary for the selection process, and NBA submitted a Japanese translation.
As for what happens next, there is a meeting (project review) in early February to determine the selection method, criteria, and schedule. Following this, the deliberating committee within the organization committee (TOCOG) will carry out the selection, and finally, the results will be determined after consultation with the IOC.
This page will be updated with new information as soon as it becomes available.
Thank you for the news, although necessarily what we wanted to hear, but in reality not completely unexpected. I would like to thank the NBA for the tremendous job in getting us as far as we ventured, I know nothing was spared with your efforts.
Ian Anderson WPA President
世界プール連盟(WPA) 会長 イアン・アンダーソン
Unfortunately it was not the best news for us BUT I must admit that it was an excellent experience for the WCBS and we have learned a lot from it. We should be now ready to prepare our members for the next selections. I would like to take this opportunity to thank you and thank the NBA for their support and for giving us this glimmer of hope.
Maxime Cassis WCBS General Secretary
世界ビリヤード・スポーツ連合(WCBS) 事務局長 マキシム・カシス
Certainly bad news that we should encourage more and better work in the future, thanks to all involved in the development of our aplication and the efforts made by people.
Fernando Requena UMB President.
世界ビリヤード連合(UMB) 会長 フェルナンド・レクェナ
Thank you for informing us. Disappointing news, however the experience we have gained in this process is extremely valuable. I must thank you for your assistance and hard work in getting this far. Like true sportsman, we will get up and fight another day. Do we have any information on the reasons as this will help us enormously in the future?
Jason Ferguson Chairman of WPBSA Ltd WCBS President
世界プロビリヤードandスヌーカー連盟(WPBSA) 代表
WCBS新会長 ジェイソン・ファーガソン